Welcome to the website of Eurotechnik LTD.!
Our company was established in 1997 with 1 million forint invested capital.
Our main activities are:
- trading second hand and new footwear machines
- repairing and renewing these machines
- providing service and component supply
- producing components
At the beginning the number of our staff was 3, but nowadays 16 people work at the company.
Our specialists have proffesional and technlogical experience, many of them worked at Tisza Cipő Factory.
The assets of our company is constantly rising. We had a new cutting and painter workshop built, we bought new tools and we are permanently improving our firm.
Our business has made profit every year since it has been established.
In 2012 the net turnover of the company was 160 million forint, and the value of our stockpile was 65 million forint. The turnover of our home-made fittings is about 10 million forint a year.
We are phasing the different scope of activites to ensure the quality, that our company would like to achive:
- the footwear machines are repainted in our painter workshop
- in the cutting and turning workshop special home-made fittings are produced
- in the erecting shop the machines are rigged
That is why our motto is: „The eminent performance comes from the eminent commitment.”
Among our business partners there are forgein and domestic clients, too.
Our company has represented exclusively an Italian company, Called Brustia-Alfameccanica since 2002.
Our major German suppliers are BeKa Industrie-Ausruestung Vertriebs-GmbH, Klöckner Desma Schuhmaschinen GmbH, Reuschenbach Handels- und Fertigungs GmbH, Römer GmbH, BIMA Maschinenfabrik GmbH.
Our Italian suppliers are Camoga s.p.a., Comelz s.p.a., Colli F.G.B., Fratelli Alberti S.R.L.
Among our major foreign customers there are Hanwag GmbH, Ricosta Schuhfabrik GmbH, Cavallo A. Sahle GmbH, Fidelio GmbH (Austria), BeKa-Industrie-Ausruhestung Vertriebs GmbH, Paul Green GmbH, Think Schuhwerk GmbH, S.C. Lapas S.R.L., Eurotechnik Romania S.R.L., Ara Shoes Romania S.R.L.
We have partners outside the European Union, for example PAG Tschernigov Schuhfabrik Beregynya (Ukraine), Gepard D.O.O., Viking D.O.O. (Serbia), Midal D.O.O. (Croatia).
According to the demand of our partners we established our subsidiary company in Romania, called Eurotechnik Romania in 2003, so we can solve the daily problems faster.
The main activities of this company are trading footwear machines and producing upper leathers.
It employs 90-100 people. Their main partners are ETG Sollini S.R.L., Biasiotto Romania S.R.L., Intercomm Plus S.R.L., Coats Romania S.R.L., Alta Tensiumne S.R.L., Ditta Givonanni Lanfranchi S.P.A., Pidige S.P.A., Publiesse Techniqe S.R.L.